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View Number Orders

This section will guide you through the process of viewing and managing your number orders & number ports within the customer portal.

Number Orders Overview

  1. Navigate to the "View Number Orders" page inside the Portal
  2. The Number Orders screen displays a list of all your number orders with the following columns:

    • Customer Reference: Reference provided by the customer.
    • Service: The service associated with the number.
    • Phone Numbers: The phone number(s) involved in the order.
    • Order Type: The type of order (e.g., Port, New Number, Disconnect).
    • Status: The current status of the order (e.g., New, Completed).
    • Created Time: The date and time the order was created.
    • Last Updated: The date and time the order was last updated.
    • Actions: Button to view detailed information about the order.
  3. Use the Search bar to find specific orders by entering the Order/Customer Reference, Service, Phone Number, Order Type, Status, or Time.

Viewing Number Order Details

  1. To view detailed information about a specific order, click the View Details button in the Actions column next to the desired order.
  2. The Number Details modal will open, displaying the following information:

    • User: The user associated with the order.
    • Reference: Unique reference for the order.
    • Phone Numbers: The phone number(s) involved in the order.
    • Contacts: Contact details for support.
    • Current Attachments: Any attachments related to the order.
    • Notes: Any notes associated with the order.
    • Order Status: The current status and history of the order.
  3. Review the order details and take any necessary actions based on the information provided.