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myCloudPBX Call Codes

In-Call Shortcuts

Group Intercept

  • Used to pickup a ringing call from within a Pickup Group. Dial ** to pickup a call ringing on a different handset.

Direct Intercept

  • Used to pickup a ringing call on any extension on the PBX. Dial ** followed by the extension number you wish to pickup.


EG: ** 101

Adhoc Call Recording

  • Dial #8 during a call to enable an adhoc recording. Dialling #8 a second time will end the recording.


Note: This will only start / stop the adhoc recording.

if you have call recordings enabled globally, they will be unaffected by this.


Accessing Personal Voicemail

  • Dial 777 to access your Voicemail. Enter your PIN when prompted.

Accessing Another Users Voicemail

  • Dial 778 to access another users Voicemail. Enter the Extension Number followed by the PIN when prompted.

Directly Dial Another Users Voicemail

  • Dial 6 followed by the Extension Number of the user.

Vertical Service Codes

Delayed Echo Test:

  • Used to test audio quality. Dial 9195 and we'll repeat back to you after 5 seconds.

Instant Echo Test:

  • Same as delayed echo test, only instant. Dial 9196 and we'll repeat back to you.

Music On Hold Test:

  • Dial 9199 to listen to the Music on Hold Stream.

Training Mode

Training Mode enables the ability to listen, or 'eavesdrop‘ on a call. This is useful for call centre training operations where a supervisor or manager can listen in to an agents live call and provide realtime feedback.

For more information see here.